3 Types of Summer Sunglasses You Should Own

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3 Types of Summer Sunglasses You Should Own

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3 Types of Summer Sunglasses You Should Own

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3 Types of Summer Sunglasses You Should Own

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3 Types of Summer Sunglasses You Should Own

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Everyone wants to go outside and enjoy the sunshine in the summer. Yet, shielding your eyes from dangerous UV radiation is crucial. Sunglasses are a fashionable and helpful way to protect your eyes from the sun while adding flair to your outfit. Here are three types of sunglasses you should have in time for summer. 


Classic Wayfarer Sunglasses


Classic wayfarer sunglasses are an excellent choice for a timeless and adaptable look. They have a bold and distinctive design that suits a range of face shapes and styles. The thick frames and large lenses provide coverage and protection from the sun while leveling up your getup. 

You can find wayfarers in various colors and materials, from classic black to brightly colored acetate. They are perfect whether you are going to the beach, a music festival, or just running errands.


Athletic Sunglasses


Do you lead an active lifestyle? If so, you need sunglasses that can keep up with you. Athletic sunglasses can provide maximum coverage, durability, and comfort. That makes them perfect for sports and outdoor activities. These sunglasses typically have a wraparound style that keeps them in place, even during intense physical activity. 

They also feature impact-resistant lenses that can withstand the rigors of outdoor adventures. Some have additional features, such as polarized or interchangeable lenses for different light conditions. They are ideal for active individuals into jogging, cycling, hiking, or other outdoor adventures.


Retro Round Sunglasses


If you want a playful and whimsical style, consider retro-round sunglasses. These sunglasses have a circular frame that gives them a distinctively vintage feel. They will give your summer wardrobe a little excitement and flair. 

Retro-round sunglasses are available in various sizes, from small and subtle to oversized and bold. You can select a pair that reflects your style because they are available in multiple colors and materials. Are you lounging by the pool? Are you planning to attend a music festival? Whatever the case, retro round sunglasses are a playful and stylish choice.


Benefits of Wearing Sunglasses During the Summer


Sunglasses are essential in the summer for the following reasons:

  • Shield your eyes from UV rays by wearing 100% UV protection sunglasses

  • Polarized lenses on sunglasses can lessen glare and increase visibility

  • Wearing sunglasses help protect the delicate skin around your eyes

  • Sunglasses' ability to block out intense light and lessen glare helps alleviate eye strain

  • Sunglasses help reduce headaches, squinting, and other discomforts




There are numerous summer sunglasses available, each with unique features and aesthetics. Classic wayfarer sunglasses are a timeless and versatile choice. Athletic sunglasses provide maximum durability and comfort during physical activity. 

Retro-round sunglasses add a playful and whimsical touch to any outfit. Whatever style you select, opt for a pair with good lenses with UV protection. You can enjoy the summer sun in style and comfort with the proper pair of sunglasses.

For more summer eyewear tips, visit Eyecare Associates of Parsons at our Parsons, Kansas office. Please call (620) 421-2330 to discuss any questions with our team of experts or to schedule your eye exam today.

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